Question: “If Jesus paid the price for our sin, why do we still suffer the consequences of our sin?”

Question: "If Jesus paid the price for our sin, why do we still suffer the consequences of our sin?"

Answer: The Bible gives the good news that Jesus paid the price for our sin (Ephesians 1:7), yet in many ways we still suffer the consequences of our sins. For example, a drug dealer may become a Christian in prison, but that doesn’t mean he will be released from prison the next day—he will still experience the consequences of his past sin. A born-again Christian who falls into adultery may lose his family, his career, etc.—even after he confesses and forsakes his sin, the consequences of his sin remain. Coming to Christ does not erase the temporal effects of sin; rather, our salvation guarantees that we will not face the eternal consequences of sin.

The consequence of sin is death (Romans 6:23a). As sinners, we deserve to be eternally separated from God and His holiness. On the cross Christ paid the penalty of our sin with His own blood. He who knew no sin was made to be sin on our behalf (2 Corinthians 5:21). On the basis of Christ’s perfect sacrifice, those who believe are no longer under God’s condemnation (Romans 8:1).

It’s important to understand that, when the believer in Christ experiences consequences for sin, it is not because he is under God’s condemnation (Romans 8:1), His wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9), or His retribution (2 Thessalonians 1:8). Believers are under God’s grace (Romans 6:15). Jesus took the wrath of God upon Himself (Isaiah 53:10). Sin’s consequences still experienced by believers could be classified in one of these ways:

Universal consequences. Some of sin’s consequences are experienced perpetually by every human being on earth, because we are all children of Adam. We all have weeds growing in our gardens, we all face natural disasters, we all get sick and grow old, and we all eventually die physically (Romans 5:12). As sinners living in a sinful world, there’s no avoiding these consequences of original sin.

Comment: In this world there is suffering, pain, sickness, and death. And this is the result of sin in the human race. When we get to heaven there will be no suffering, no pain, no sickness, and no death as there will also be no sin. Choose today.. do you wish to be in heaven forever with the Lord Jesus.. or not. Make your choice as your choice will be honored. We are saved by grace alone, by faith alone, in the Lord Jesus alone and totally apart from any works. So, admit you are a lost sinner and trust the Lord Jesus alone for eternal salvaiton.
from gotquestions . org ..

Charismatic False Prophet, Todd White, Compares Holy Spirit to Pooping Dog

Charismatic False Prophet, Todd White, Compares Holy Spirit to Pooping Dog

June 30, 2020
Todd White is the false teacher and faux faith-healer who is known for his parlor tricks such as leg-lengthening and other fake healings. A simple…

Both Trump and Biden Official Sites Selling Rainbow ‘Pride’ Apparel

Both Trump and Biden Official Sites Selling Rainbow ‘Pride’ Apparel

The online stores for both President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden are offering rainbow “pride” apparel for supporters who identify as homosexual. The “Trump Pride 2020 ringer tee,”

Black people are the first targets of the Bill Gates vaccines… ever wonder why?

Black people are the first targets of the Bill Gates vaccines… ever wonder why?

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 by: Isabelle Z. 160Views

Image: Black people are the first targets of the Bill Gates vaccines… ever wonder why?

(Natural News) As researchers around the world are scrambling to come up with a COVID-19 vaccine, many of us are wondering exactly who is going to volunteer as test subjects. If vaccines with decades of research behind them are still so dangerous, it’s disturbing to think what a rushed vaccine might do to human health.

When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines being funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, however, it appears that there’s already a game plan – and it’s one that won’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the Gates’ over the years.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ wife, Melinda Gates, said that healthcare workers deserve to get the vaccine first, but after that, she’d like to see it given to black people.

During a virtual appearance by the couple at the recent Forbes philanthropy summit, she said: “Here in the United States, it’s going to be black people who really should get it first and many indigenous people, as well as people with underlying symptoms, and then elderly people.”

Their foundation supports Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which they say will buy and distribute doses of the vaccine to low-income countries.

The role of the couple’s foundation in funding research into a COVID-19 vaccine is hugely concerning given their track record when it comes to issues like abortion and the fact that they have advocated for population control in the past.

BREAKING: Thousands of guillotines pre-positioned across America for left-wing terrorists to execute conservatives, Christians and Whites in the unfolding CIVIL WAR

BREAKING: Thousands of guillotines pre-positioned across America for left-wing terrorists to execute conservatives, Christians and Whites in the unfolding CIVIL WAR

Monday, June 29, 2020 by: Mike Adams 7,790Views

Image: BREAKING: Thousands of guillotines pre-positioned across America for left-wing terrorists to execute conservatives, Christians and Whites in the unfolding CIVIL WAR

(Natural News) A deep background source has provided us with a document detailing the distribution of genocide machines — guillotines — across America in preparation for a left-wing coup attempt that will see Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists literally beheading conservatives, Christians and White people.

This news comes on the heels of left-wing terrorists placing a guillotine in front of the home of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, stating, “when they become threatened, and we have no voice, the knives come out,” according to

It’s not mere symbolism: The radical Left intends to overthrow private property and private businesses across America, mass murder all political leaders and business leaders who support capitalism, and usher in an authoritarian, communist regime that will mass slaughter millions of Americans.

RUMORS OF WAR: Hezbollah vows to Wage War Against Israel This Summer

RUMORS OF WAR: Hezbollah vows to Wage War Against Israel This Summer

Jun 30, 2020 | 0 |

RUMORS OF WAR: Hezbollah vows to Wage War Against Israel This Summer

(ETH) – As if things haven’t been chaotic enough for 2020, Now a new report is indicating that Hezbollah, the terrorist organization that is known for effectively running Lebanon, has recently announced that it has plans to wage war against Israel this summer according to BIN. The report stated that the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation “Kan“, cited an article in the Arabic Saudi Arabian daily newspaper Okaz that was published on Thursday.

In the article, Western diplomatic sources in Beirut cited that all the data indicates a war is imminent in the very near future. According to diplomatic sources, the cause for Hezbollah’s rise in aggression is that they feel besieged from all sides and are, therefore, willing to go to extreme measures to break out. “War against Israel can turn the bowl upside down so they can grab all the cards,” the sources said.

According to the diplomatic sources, a confrontation could also break out in the northern section of the border between Lebanon and Syria before the US presidential elections. According to the report, the Lebanese newspaper a-Nahar reported that there is also talk in Hezbollah circles about a possible war with Israel coming this August.

University of Tennessee makes Covid-19 vaccine shot mandatory for students when available

University of Tennessee makes Covid-19 vaccine shot mandatory for students when available

Jun 30, 2020 | 0 |

University of Tennessee makes Covid-19 vaccine shot mandatory for students when available
(RT) – The University of Tennessee has become the first one to require students and faculty to receive vaccines for the flu and Covid-19 that is yet to be developed sparking “push back” from critics. The mandate was pushed through as an emergency rule by the university’s Board of Trustees, with the promise that it will soon become a permanent requirement.

“There may be some push-back, but we believe this is in the best interest of our students,” UT System President Randy Boyd said. There are medical and religious exemptions from the new rule, and students who only take online classes do not need to meet the requirement.

Students and faculty will be required to get vaccines based on their availability, with the university saying they will soon “establish a timeframe” based on the release of a potential Covid-19 vaccine. Since the university is expected to have students on campus in the fall and there is unlikely to be a vaccine by then, it’s unclear when the rule will be enforced.

Now They Are Trying To Tell Us That COVID-19 Is “10 Times More Infectious” Than It Was At The Beginning Of T he Pandemic

Now They Are Trying To Tell Us That COVID-19 Is “10 Times More Infectious” Than It Was At The Beginning Of The Pandemic

June 29, 2020 by Michael Snyder

If the elite really do intend to use COVID-19 to fundamentally transform our society, they are going to need to continue to find ways to make it sound a lot more scary than it really is. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been endlessly barraged with news stories that boldly declare that “the second wave” is here, and now we are being told that this coronavirus is “10 times more infectious” than it was when it first started spreading in China. And we are also being told that COVID-19 “causes infected human cells to sprout tentacles loaded with viral venom to help it spread around the body”. All of that definitely sounds quite frightening, and over the past couple of weeks a lot of people have really been freaking out as the number of confirmed cases has surged. (Read More…)

‘So, mass gatherings are good again?’ Aerial VIDEO of packed Pride & BLM rally in Chicago draws criticism of media hypocrisy

‘So, mass gatherings are good again?’ Aerial VIDEO of packed Pride & BLM rally in Chicago draws criticism of media hypocrisy

The scenes of thousands of people marching in Chicago in a joint Pride and Black Lives Matter parade have raised some questions about double standards in reporting and enforcing social distancing rules amid Covid-19 pandemic.–blm-rally-in-chicago-draws.html

‘Stop ruining everything’: TIME skewered online after denouncing superheroes as ‘cops in capes’

‘Stop ruining everything’: TIME skewered online after denouncing superheroes as 'cops in capes'

‘Stop ruining everything’: TIME skewered online after denouncing superheroes as ‘cops in capes’

TIME magazine has urged the world to stop glorifying superheroes, arguing that they’re basically straight white cops with capes – making them extremely problematic. This seems very reasonable, tweeted basically nobody in response.

Democrats Celebrate The Right To Murder Their Own Children As The US Supreme Court Further Legalizes ‘Black Genocide’ – ‘Democrat Death Dealers’ & Black Eugenics Go Back 100+ Years!

June 30, 2020

Democrats Celebrate The Right To Murder Their Own Children As The US Supreme Court Further Legalizes ‘Black Genocide’ – ‘Democrat Death Dealers’ & Black Eugenics Go Back 100+ Years!

– Democrats Have Long Been ‘The Party Of Death’


By Stefan M. Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die
While Democrats across the country celebrated wildly in the streets about their continued ‘right’, approved by the US Supreme Court, to murder their own children, the ‘Democrat death dealers’ don’t want their own base to know anything at all about the reasoning behind US abortion laws in the first place. Nor the reason the ‘party of slavery’ is endlessly pushing them for black Americans.

Now if I were a smart black man or woman, especially one of those who are out there legally protesting in the streets, I’d surely want to learn as much as I possibly could about the Democrat ‘pet project’ Planned Parenthood and their agenda of ‘black eugenics’ that goes back over 100 years. And that agenda can be tied directly to one of the founders of the movement, Margaret Sanger, a woman praised by Hillary Clinton who once said of her: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously…I am really in awe of her". Yet Sanger once said: "We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population". Yet somehow in the eyes of black men and women, Hillary and the Democrats have something to offer them?

Finally, The Hammer Is Dropping On Antifa And Other Liberal Domestic Terrorist Scum – Patriotic Americans Have Had Enough

June 28, 2020

Finally, The Hammer Is Dropping On Antifa And Other Liberal Domestic Terrorist Scum – Patriotic Americans Have Had Enough


By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine

We are sure it will come as no surprise that President Trump tweeted out something….. or that President Trump’s tweet sent social media liberals, yes, that includes the establishment media, right over the edge of any sanity they may have had left after 4+ years of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) eating away at their brains.

Only this time, President Trump went after the the liberals "Golden Cows," meaning the little domestic terrorists that have been running around toppling monuments, destroying property, committing arson, and rioting at will, just to name a few of their illegal antics

Yes, we are talking about Antifa and certain factions of BLM, which we will show you below.

Some of the examples you will see discussed have embeddable video coverage, others couldn’t be found on YouTube, but the video proof was uploaded to social media, so we will offer the links so readers can confirm the veracity of the assertions made in this report.

In Michigan, House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies O f All State Government Employees

Headline News In Michigan, House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government Employees June 29, 2020 The Michigan House passed a bill making implanted company microchips voluntary for employees, according to a ABC News report. Mark of the Beast….

Saint Louis Couple Forced To Defend Themselves With Firearms As Black Lives Matter Militia Broke Into Their Private Neighborhood To Terrorize Them

Black Lives Matter Saint Louis Couple Forced To Defend Themselves With Firearms As Black Lives Matter Militia Broke Into Their Private Neighborhood To Terrorize Them June 29, 2020 ‘We were all alone facing an angry mob’: Missouri lawyer couple who brandished an AR-15 and handgun at Black Lives Matter terrorists who they say broke down their mansion…

Can Anyone Tell Me Why Fox News Is Broadcasting An Anti-American Message Of Hate On July 4th By Nation Of Islam Cult Leader Louis Farrakhan?


Hate Groups

Can Anyone Tell Me Why Fox News Is Broadcasting An Anti-American Message Of Hate On July 4th By Nation Of Islam Cult Leader Louis Farrakhan?

June 29, 2020

TV network Fox decided that showcasing a full speech from black supremacist and anti-semite Louis Farrakhan on the 4th of July would be a great idea…

NBA Will Paint ‘Black Lives Matter’ On Basketball Courts As Well As Allowing Players To Replace Their Names On Jerseys With Social Justice Messages

  • nba-to-paint-black-lives-matter-on-basketball-courts-social-justice-race-riots-lebron-james

    NBA Will Paint ‘Black Lives Matter’ On Basketball Courts As Well As Allowing Players To Replace Their Names On Jerseys With Social Justice Messages

    On Saturday, it was reported that players will be able to include social justice messages on the backs of their jerseys at Disney. That decision, while powerful, puts the onus on players. The league itself needed to send a message of solidarity, and is doing so with its latest decision. According to ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, Zach Lowe and Ramona Shelburne, the league plans to paint "Black Lives Matter" on both sidelines on all three of the courts they will be using at Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex. The WNBA is also reportedly considering doing the same when it begins its season at IMG Academy, also in Florida.
    June 30, 2020

Question: “Why do I need to be saved?”

Question: "Why do I need to be saved?"

Answer: After their miraculous release from the Philippian jail, Paul and Silas tell their repentant jailer, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). Their words are one of many expressions of the underlying message of the whole Bible: God has provided salvation for the lost. Scripture is clear that all people need to be saved, and here are some reasons why that salvation is necessary:

– We need to be saved because we are totally lost in sin. It’s not that we need to save ourselves—we cannot do so—but that we need to be saved. The Bible teaches the total depravity of the human race; that is, every aspect of our being has been corrupted by sin. “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one” (Romans 3:10–12). We need the Good Shepherd to seek out the lost sheep and bring them home, rejoicing (see Luke 15:3–6).

– We need to be saved because we are under God’s wrath. We are “by nature deserving of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3). Without salvation, we stand condemned: “Whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son” (John 3:18). We need Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, to propitiate the wrath of God and forfend our judgment.

– We need to be saved because we are in danger of hell. After death comes judgment (Hebrews 9:27), and, if we die without God’s salvation, we will meet the same fate as the rich man who lifted up his eyes “in Hades, being in torment” (Luke 16:23). We need a Savior to rescue us from a fate literally worse than death.

– We need to be saved because we are spiritually dead. Before salvation, we are “dead in [our] sins” (Colossians 2:13). Dead people can do nothing for themselves. We need resurrection. We need the life-giving power of Christ, who alone can conquer death.

– We need to be saved because our hearts are hardened by evil. “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). The unsaved “are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” (Ephesians 4:18). We need a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to fix our hearts and align them with God’s will.

– We need to be saved because we are enslaved to sin and Satan. “Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin” (Romans 3:9). In our natural state, we are held in Satan’s snare and bound by his will (2 Timothy 2:26). We need a Redeemer to liberate us. In Christ we “have been set free from sin” (Romans 6:18).

– We need to be saved because we are at odds with God. “The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:7–8). We need Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to reconcile us to God and bring us into the family of God as adopted sons and daughters.

Comment: We all need to be saved as we are all sinners and there is none righteous on their own merit. We all need to admit we are lost sinners (which is repentance) and then trust in the Lord Jesus alone for eternal salvation. If not one is heading blindly to the lake of fire as that is the penalty due for sin. It is your choice.. either you pay for your sins forever in the lake of fire… or… you trust the Lord Jesus alone and let Him pay your penalty through His death on the cross. God does not force anyone to be saved. But He does want all to repent and trust the Lord Jesus alone for salvation. Sadly, He will honor the choice one makes. If one chooses to love sin and darkness which results in forever in the lake of fire.. that choice will be honored. But really, is a few years of sin really worth an eternity in the lake of fire? Then once one gets there, they will know they chose to be there by rejecting the gift of salvation. Dont do that.. admit you are a lost sinner and trust the Lord Jesus right now, for eternal salvation.
from gotquestions . org ..

12 million people affected, 78 killed as severe floods continue across south and east China

12 million people affected, 78 killed as severe floods continue across south and east China

Posted by Julie Celestial on June 29, 2020 at 13:34 UTC (3 hours ago)
Categories: Featured articles, Floods, Severe storms

12 million people affected, 78 killed as severe floods continue across south and east China

Heavy rains and floods left at least 12 people dead and 10 others missing in south China’s Sichuan province as of Sunday afternoon, June 28, 2020. Since late May, severe weather has left 78 people dead or missing, 12 million affected, more than 8 000 homes destroyed, and 97 000 damaged.

Rainstorms from Friday to Saturday, June 26 to 27 led to floods in Yihai Township, where 10 people died and seven others remain missing, according to the county government. Emergency teams rescued 223 people trapped in the area.

ELCA Distributes LGBTQIA+ Handbook Promoting Sexual Perversions to Churches

Featured News

ELCA Distributes LGBTQIA+ Handbook Promoting Sexual Perversions to Churches

June 29, 2020

News Division

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which purports 3.5 million members across 9000 churches, and is lucky if even 1%

‘First They Topple The Statues, Then They Start Killing People’

‘First They Topple The Statues, Then They Start Killing People’

Posted by Marsha West ∙ June 29, 2020 ∙ In OpinionBlack Lives Matter, Death, Fascism, Hate, Protests – riots, Racism, United States Government, Trump Donald

(Evita Duffy – The Federalist) Last night on the Tucker Carlson show, hosted by Brian Kilmeade, David Marcus explained that the escalation from statues to killing people has been a universal trend. “This is not new in history. We saw this in Russia. We saw this in China. We saw this in Venezuela. First, they topple the statues, then they start killing people, and then they take your rights away…”

BLM protesters and rioters have been threatening to topple the Emancipation Memorial in Washington, D.C. depicting Archer Alexander, a freed slave, and President Abraham Lincoln. Continue reading →

Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to ‘Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule’

Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to ‘Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule’

Posted by Marsha West ∙ June 29, 2020 ∙ In OpinionAntifa, Communism, Islam, Law Enforcement, Politics, Totalitarianism, United States Government

(Robert Spencer – Front Page Magazine) As the city of Minneapolis moves to dismantle its police force, Minnesota state Rep. Steve Green on Tuesday stated the obvious that virtually everyone else has been tiptoeing around and pretending isn’t there: “What you’re looking at, in my humble opinion, is communism moving into Minneapolis and St. Paul.” And not just Communism, but the Leftist/Islamic alliance. Green asserted that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.” Those who scoff at such a notion simply aren’t paying attention to recent developments. Continue reading →

satyre: Crest Introduces New More Socially Conscious Tooth Blackening Paste

Crest Introduces New More Socially Conscious Tooth Blackening Paste
June 29th, 2020
article-6439-1.jpg Share



CINCINNATI, OH—Procter & Gamble unveiled today its new more socially conscious toothpaste: 3D Black, a toothpaste that promises to take your white teeth and make them as black as possible.

The company’s social justice consultants reviewed all of Crest’s products and found that there were a troubling number of references to whiter teeth, whitening, and making things brighter. So, in order to apologize for years of racism and insensitivity, Crest products will no longer whiten teeth, but will instead blacken them.

"Our new blackening toothpaste will remove up to 96% of toxic whiteness," said a company spokesperson. "Now, when you smile at someone at the grocery store and they see your completely black mouth, they’ll know that you care about equality. Well, I mean, if you’re not wearing a mask. Which would mean you don’t care about equality and want grandma to die. Well, except if it’s at a BLM protest, because then, having no mask is fine. Well, except…" This went on for a while.

First Came Brexit, Then Corona and now the Brits Face Hordes of Disease-Ridden Horse Flies

First Came Brexit, Then Corona and now the Brits Face Hordes of Disease-Ridden Horse Flies

Strange Sounds

Jun 29, 2020 0

First came Brexit. Then came COVID-19…

And now the Brits are having to battle hordes of disease-ridden horse flies that have invaded parks and gardens in the UK.

horse fly invasion uk, horse fly invasion uk 2020Hordes of blood-sucking, disease-carrying horse flies invade the UK. Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The half-inch long flies, which usually are found in the country have invaded the cities during the lockdown, congregating around pools, ponds, and gardens.

And urbanites are feeling the sting. Some people who were bitten required hospitalization and a round of antibiotics. The bites can also lead to cellulitis, a skin infection.

The large flies who strike without warning are “literally designed to eat a horse, their bite is both impressive and painful. […] They can persistently chase you at a flying speed of around 15 mph, and it’ll bite right through clothes. It has mandibles that can rip and tear flesh apart.

Locust situation update: A posh financial and technology hub Gurugram is the latest victim of a massive locust invasion: The city is close to the Indian capital New Delhi with a population of 26 million: Swarms growing around the world

Locust situation update: A posh financial and technology hub Gurugram is the latest victim of a massive locust invasion: The city is close to the Indian capital New Delhi with a population of 26 million: Swarms growing around the world

Credit FAO

India was recently battered by a super typhoon, is currently suffering torrential rain and flooding and heatwaves as well as battling a surge in Covid-19 cases and at least five states are being overrun by massive locust swarms since the beginning of May and showing no signs of slowing down.

New footage shows a massive swarm of locusts invading the Indian city of Gurugram, located just southwest of New Delhi. The cloud of insects is a rare sight in the city – a posh financial and technology hub. The locusts descended upon the streets of Gurugram on Saturday, flying in a large, cloud-like mass and resting upon anything they pleased. The invasion was anticipated, and the local authorities urged residents to close their doors and windows beforehand.